Friday, September 3, 2010

Go VoLs!!

Today was wear your college team colors to pre-school day, so of course Anna Claire went in her orange and white!  She looked like my Mini-Me this morning because we were dressed almost identical.  The only difference was my UT shirt is black and I didn't wear a bright orange hair bow.  She LOVED that she was dressed like Mommy.
{Oh and I didn't have my sunglasses on my forehead either}

I've made some more hair bows and hair clippies this week.  Anna Claire is loving the fact that Mommy can make her hair bows.
 The Alabama clippie took a lot out of me, but what else do you do with that design?  Every time I see houndstooth I think of Alabama.  Yuck!!
Anna Claire was so excited about her flower clippie above.  I had to make her one to match her outfit for the next day, only to keep her from wearing the Halloween colored one.
We have to have UT bows and hair clippies!!

I love Halloween, so I've made lots of Halloween bows.  The above clippie was a huge test for me!!  Have you ever tried to hot glue marabou?  {basically a big wad of feathers}
This one is my favorite.  I LOVE the little clay spider.
I should be getting some more ribbon in within the next week.  I get very excited when ribbon comes in.  Who knew that I would enjoy making hair bows?  Vacation is coming up and I'm looking forward to attempting family pictures myself.  I'm waiting on my remote and tripod to come in.  Kerry didn't seem to think it would be a good idea to use the timer on the camera because for some reason, he kept seeing me with a mouth full of sand.  : l 

1 comment:

Holli said...

ROBYN!!!!! I LOVE the hair bows, you are doing an amazing job and they just keep getting better!! Can't wait for you to put a price tag on them...... ;)