Thursday, September 30, 2010

How Hot is Hot Glue?

Well, I cannot tell you the exact temperature of the hot glue that I use, but I can tell you that it is VERY hot!!  It was apparently just not my night last night to deal with anything hot.  I got the full effect of the hot glue last night and I did not enjoy it.  Thankfully, my fingers are tougher than most skin on my upper extremities, so there are no marks.  There must be an art to using hot glue and marabou together.  After I burnt my finger tips, more than once I might add, I went to remove dinner from the oven and for some unknown reason, I hit my arm on the top burner in the oven.  Now that left a mark, but I continued on.  LOL!!  I finished 2 of the pumpkins last night, made a few hair clippies, a bow, and finished the m2m Gymboree bow.  I had another clippie in line to do, but it was almost 10:00pm and my mini-me will not go to sleep until I go to bed, so off I went.

Here are some pictures of the things I completed last night.  {I did get all my ribbon in, so there will be more to come soon}

I must also tell you all how WONDERFUL my Mom is!!  I no longer have to go buy shoes for Anna Claire this weekend because my wonderful Mother handled it for me yesterday!  She went a little overboard, but a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes!!  Thank You Momma!!! 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

She's Crafty........

Ewww, did I really just title this post after a song from the Beastie Boys that has nothing to do with crafts?  I think I did.  I've been working on some more hair bows and my newest craft, pumpkins!!  I did 3 over the weekend and am currently working on a few more.  2 of them should be finished tonight.  My plan is to finish 2 of the pumpkins and work on some hair bows.  I've got TONS of new ribbon and the order I placed hasn't even come in yet!  This is what happens when you send Mom to get marabou and black ribbon with white polka dots.  I got my center piece for the Gymboree hair bow on Monday, so I'm planning to finish it tonight as well.  It is SUPER cute!!

Here are some pics.......................
Excuse the crayon on the one above.  It's Anna Claire's and she needed something to "paint" too.

 The Ghost now has a mouth and the pumpkin clip is the clip I posted previously that I re-did.  I am MUCH happier with it now.  
 Anna Claire has the above bow in today.
She wore this on Monday with one of the new bows I had made. I love being able to just run in the other room and make her a hair bow, if she doesn't have one to match her outfit.  {She loves it too}

Once my new ribbon comes in, I'm going to work on a Christmas clippie and I cannot wait!!  We go to the pumpkin patch with COF on Friday, so look for pictures soon.  I can't wait because Anna Claire will finally get to wear one of her many Halloween shirts.  {Holli, I got you covered for Halloween outfits next year.  LOL!!}

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Shall Finish Vacation Pics Now :)

Vacation is over and we have gotten back in to our daily routine.  It's hard to believe that Friday it will be October already!!  I have gotten the Halloween costume ordered, we've got the trick or treat bucket, and now I've just got to get the decorating done.  I will start buying Christmas presents, if I can every get my kid clothed and shoed.  {I don't think shoed is a word, unless you're talking about horses.  LOL!!}  This morning I realized that she no longer fits in to some of her Shox.  They FIT last week I tell you!!  I had already planned to go get her some little "cutie" shoes this weekend to wear with her legging outfits, so now I guess her & I will buy some new shox as well.  Thank goodness Kerry and I don't outgrow our clothes and shoes like she does.  : )

Anyway, back to vacation pictures...............................

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Vacation and a Hairbow : )

I forgot to tell that Cricket {the dog} did amazing with the trip to Florida and I managed to keep Susie {the fish} alive while we were gone!!  Cricket rode in my lap all the way to Florida.  She started out in Momma's lap, but she had been pretty nervous all evening because she saw me packing and loading the car, so she would not lay down until she got in my lap.  The change of scenery never phased her and then she rode in Momma's lap all the way home.  Cliff didn't know she was coming, so that reaction was questionable.  As soon as we picked him up at the airport he asked where Cricket was {as in, who did we leave Cricket with in Tennessee} and Momma told him that she was at the condo.  He was fine with it, which took us all by surprise.  By the end of the week, him and Cricket were taking naps on the couch together.  : )

Since getting home early Sunday morning we are all just getting back in to the groove of things this week.  Anna Claire has had some issues with the early rising this week, which has caused some attitude.  She is one of the only 3 year olds that I know that LOVES to sleep late.  I've managed to get everything washed and put back up.  We washed everything at the condo, but Momma bought Gain detergent and Anna Claire is a Tide baby, so the Gain broke her out on the way home and everything had to be rewashed.  I rewashed mine and Kerry's clothes too, just in case, because I was a Tide baby as well and have never used anything else.

I did make my first made to match {m2m} hair bow this week that I am very excited about.  I'm just waiting on the owl to get here to finish it off.  It matches the Gymboree Fall Homecoming collection.  There is a lady on Etsy making me a blue owl to go in the center of the bow that matches the blue owl on one of the shirts that Anna Claire has from Gymboree.  Here is a preview. 
I had to take a chance on ordering the right colors to match, but I did it!!
The lady on Etsy is also making me a T-Rac and a Smokey, so I will be making a new Titans and UT bow very soon.
On to some more vacation pictures................................
What can I say?  You gotta love her!!
I gave Kerry the camera remote and I'm guessing he got excited about it because he moved.  I did not have him standing to get part of him cut out of the picture.

......and I will leave you with this......

Monday, September 20, 2010

Florida 2010

We just returned from vacation this past weekend.  We had a wonderful time and feel blessed to be able to take a vacation.  We went to the pool, beach, Pier Park more than once (of course), Shell Island, and had ice cream every night except for one.  We took beach pictures this year.  I wasn't sure about taking them or how Anna Claire would do, but for a 3 year old, she did well.  Anna Claire is a Mommy's girl, so I didn't get as many "fun" pictures as I would have liked, but we have the memories in our hearts.  : )  Shell Island was beautiful, but I have zero pictures because Shell Island was a lot of work.  LOL!!  I still managed over 200 pictures without Shell Island.  :o

I have plenty more to share.  The very first picture in black and white is my absolute favorite.

Friday, September 10, 2010

CrIcKeT GoT a HaIrCuT

This week has been super busy and has gone by so quickly!  Monday, of course, was Labor day, but I worked 1/2 a day.  Tuesday Anna Claire went to the Dr with bronchitis.  Wednesday I got a hair cut. Thursday I cleaned house and put out the Fall wreaths {after work of course}.  Today Cricket got her vacation hair cut and Anna Claire goes back to the Dr @ 3:15pm, to make sure her chest and everything is clearing up.  She was sicker than what I thought and never really showed it.  My plan tonight is to finish ironing, wash some more clothes, and to start packing.  I've also worked all week, gave baths, cleaned earrings twice a day, gave breathing treatments twice a day since Tuesday, washed at least a load of clothes each night bc my husband is a freak normal man and wears about 3 outfits a day. : o  I could go one, but I won't.  : )

I have to try to get as much done tonight as possible because I know tomorrow will be crazy.  Anna Claire has dance in the morning and then I need to put gas in the car and pick up Big Daddy's medicine.  After that, I'm taking her to get her finger nails and toe nails painted and then to Wal-Mart to get a spinning Mermaid Barbie {I hope}.  I promised her that if she was good all week that she could get a spinning Mermaid Barbie to take to Florida with her and she has been PERFECT all week.  If for some reason Wal-Mart is out of them, I guess I will make a trip to either Tullahoma or Murfreesboro for one because a promise is a promise.

Now, I have to talk her out of taking ALL of her Barbie Mermaids with us.  We plan to take some family beach pictures while we are on vacation, so it is only normal that Anna Claire gets some big mark on her face.  It happens just about every time she has pictures made.  It used to be bruises on the forehead, but not anymore now that she can control her legs.  LOL!!  Yesterday she came home with a huge scratch down her cheek, a little mark at the corner of her eyebrow, and one above her eyebrow, along with a missing "diamond" from her flip flop.  This is what happens when you walk up the red slide, instead of going around and using the ladder.  {rolls eyes}  I would love to tell you that it is trial by error, but I'm positive she will try it again.

I did manage to get the "diamond" back on her flip flop.  She told me when I walked in to get her that her Daddy beat her up and then cracked up laughing.  While it was humorous, I have to hope that she doesn't tell strangers this because they will not know any different.

I do plan to work on my header after vacation.  It is blurry and I'm not happy about it.

Here are a couple of pictures of Cricket after I picked her up this afternoon.  Anna Claire is going to be THRILLED to see that Cricket has a hair bow!!  I just have to hope that it's still there when we get back home this afternoon. 
And yes, Cricket got a vacation hair cut because Cricket is going to Florida too.  Big Daddy doesn't know that yet, so when he arrives Sunday it will be a surprise.  LOL!!  It was MeMe's idea, I just went along with it.  ; )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm Drawing a Title Blank............

Anna Claire has been sick for about 2 weeks now.  This weekend her cough got worse, so Kerry picked Anna Claire up from daycare and I met them at the Dr's office at 2:00pm yesterday.  I'm glad I made her an appointment because she has bronchitis.  From what I could understand, a lot of people have the bronchitis that she has, right now.  We got a liquid z-pak and breathing treatments.  She slept so much better last night, thank goodness!!  She goes for a re-check on Friday to make sure she is getting better.
We haven't done a lot since the last post because we are preparing for vacation!!  I made Anna Claire a Halloween wreath and finished it up last night.  She is loving the fact that Mommy can make craft things and her hair bows.  She told Nurse Kristen at the Dr's office yesterday, after Kristen asked if she could borrow one of her hair bows, that her Mommy could make her one.  Last night I made a pumpkin clippie and made her bows for our beach pictures.

Here is the pumpkin clippie.
I'm not done with it yet, but I don't have any green satin ribbon, so it will have to wait until after vacation.  I am also not feeling the green stones on the clippie, so they will have to go. 

Here is one of the hair bows for the beach pictures.  I am hoping to only use one, but if Anna Claire insists on pig tails, I will be prepared.  : )

.......... and here the cutie is this morning getting ready to leave for pre-school.

Some of you may have already seen this on FB, but I thought I would share it here as well.  The song is, "Your Love is My Drug" by Ke$ha.  "That's Claire Bear's favorite song", as she would say.  : )  {It's sideways, but I can't fix it on here, sorry}
She is awesome, isn't she!?!?