Friday, October 15, 2010

The Weekend!!

Although I've only worked 2 1/2 days this week, I am happy to see the weekend arrive.  I plan to get caught up on my orders, start and finish my silent auction donation, take Anna Claire to dance and then for her flu shot, and decorate for Halloween.  Most of this I had planned to take care of last weekend, but that did not work out to my advantage, so moving on..............I will try again this weekend.  I guess God thought I needed some rest and boy was it good rest, once I was knocked out.  LOL!! 

I am concerned about the flu shot, to be honest.  I've never put much thought in to it, but I have this year.  I got the flu shot September 28th and then got this mystery sickness on October 7th.  I had some achenes and fatigue on October 5th and 6th, and then the stomach pains started on the 7th.  I've read that if you are allergic to eggs that you don't need to get the flu vaccine.  I'm NOT allergic to eggs, but it seems odd to me that the ER Dr {without any knowledge of my flu shot} informed me that eggs could cause the pains that I was having and then the pains started a little over a week later.  Maybe I'm being silly, I don't know.  All I know is that I DO NOT want my child to feel the pain that I felt Thursday through Saturday of last week, but I also don't want her to catch the flu virus either.  If you would, please say a little prayer for Anna Claire that the flu shot goes well and doesn't make her sick.  Thanks!!

The night the stomach pains started I had been up working on some new hair bows, so I'll finally share those with you.   : )

Is that not the cutest turkey you have seen in a while?  I love it!!  {and my loving husband doubted that I made it.  What is wrong with him?}

I'm sure some of the colors seem odd, but Anna Claire has outfits to match.  : )

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