Friday, August 6, 2010


OK, first things first...............  If you haven't looked at my facebook page today, please go look now, and find the wall post from Shannon.  I promise, it's worth it. I'll wait.
You laughed out loud, didn't you?  I never know what that kid is going to say.

Needless to say, she still loves her new daycare.  I cannot say enough how wonderful these women are!!  Yesterday when I picked up Anna Claire, she had pig tails.  She didn't have them when I dropped her off.  Mrs. Renea said that Anna Claire and another little girl wanted pig tails, so they played beauty shop and gave them some.  Anna Claire looked so cute and was so proud of them.  That would have never happened at the previous daycare.  I have seen the "boss" at least once everyday either during drop off or pick up, sometimes both, usually at drop off she is sitting somewhere playing with the children.  This is a very nice change and something that I am not used to.  They have potty trained Anna Claire themselves.  I can honestly say, it was ALL them!!  I just tried to not mess it up at night and over the past weekend.  LOL!!  I am happy to say that this weekend we will attempt to sleep in panties.  She has only been wearing a diaper the past 2 weeks at bedtime.  I've noticed that she is holding it through the night and last night she was not happy that she had to wear a diaper to bed, so I promised her that this weekend we would make the last change.  My child was only wearing pull-ups and diapers full time 2 weeks ago!!  She was using the pull-ups like a diaper.  Now she is in panties pretty much full time and is happy about it!!

This afternoon we go get her fitted for her tap and ballet shoes.  She has no idea what tap shoes are, so I'm sure once she puts them on that she will wear my hardwood floors out.  I told Big Daddy that we would be sure to come show him the tap shoes.  : )  She starts dance on the 14th.

We go on vacation in September and you may not see any pictures of Anna Claire until then and this is why..........................

I can't get a normal smile, she crosses her eyes (since she has learned how) in some pictures, and she will not be still enough for me to take a decent picture with my cell phone.  This does, at least, give you a glimpse of one of her pig tails.  : )

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