Monday, July 26, 2010

VBS and 3 Yr Dr's Appt

We had VBS at church a few weeks ago and it was a blast!!  Anna Claire LOVES VBS!!
VBS wouldn't be complete without Anna Claire rolling around on the floor!!

Remember this from last year?

On the 16th we went for Anna Claire's 3yr check up and then did a little shopping.  She is in the 75th percentile in height and the 90th percentile in weight.  She weighs 36 pounds and is 38 1/2 inches tall.  We are moving in to 4T clothing because she is apparently going to be a giant.  LOL!!  I had to retire some of her shorts because they are so short now {they weren't when I bought them in April} and a dress she wore last month is now too short as well.  She has gone from "Mommy, let me walk" to "Mommy, carry me".  I was carrying her the other day, as her feet almost touched my knees, and her Daddy said, "whew Anna Claire, pretty soon you are going to have to start carrying Mommy."  Who's he telling?

  Anyway, she got 2 shots at the Dr's office and I'm sorry, but it was the funniest thing ever!!  The look on her face was priceless.  I would have taken a picture, if Kerry would have sucked it up and held her arms down, instead of hiding his face in the chair.  You've seen the look on a kids face on TV, I'm sure of it!!  Her eyes got HUGE, her face froze in that "what just happened" look, and then all of a sudden it was screaming.  Chuck E Cheese and new Barbie Mermaid made it all better.  Cricket got an extra bed for the living room, a new toy {a squeaky carrot like Bolt has}, and a new collar on our trip out.

Anna Claire started her new daycare/preschool today and the first drop off went well, thank goodness!!  This is the first time I have taken her to daycare in probably the past 4 months that I have not left her screaming for me.  She starts dance class next month!!  Her goal in life right now is to be a ballerina.  This afternoon I have to take her to the eye Dr because her vision screening at her 3yr appt came back abnormal.  This visit should be a blast considering she HATES anyone messing with her eyes. 

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