Friday, July 30, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Moms.........


It is always funny to hear what the little ones say, but sometimes it's even funnier to hear what the Moms are saying.  You can check out MckMama's blog to see what funny things other Mom's have said to their children.

Here are a few things that I have said to AC.  Men, I must warn you.........There is at least one feminine hygiene talk that I have had with Anna Claire, sorry.  : )

"Could you please go use the potty?  The potty is really hungry and needs some poopy to eat."

"Well if you don't want to feed the potty, could you at least give him something to drink?"

"I realize that it's nasty that the potty eats poopy and drinks pee pee, but that's just the way it is."

In regards to a tampon......"Ummmmm, yes Anna Claire I just put that in my butt, no it didn't hurt, no Daddy does not put them in his butt, and no you cannot see, now will you please get out of the bathroom!!"  What was I suppose to say?  LOL!! 

"No, you will not have that many bobbies when you grow older.  Cricket is a dog and girl dogs just have lots of boobies."

"Did you just call me a crazy cracker?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to STOP LICKING THE TV!!......Because it's not safe for you or the TV.......If you tear up Daddy's TV because you licked it, he is going to be mad, and I'm going to tell him that you did it."

"Please get your head out of the dryer."

"You can play with the Play Doh as long as you don't eat it and please don't feed it to the dog."

"Please stop acting like your Daddy and go blow your nose on a tissue and not your shirt!!" 

"Everyone in here heard you poot, so there is really no need to announce it."

I could go on for days with this kid................

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Could it Be................

.......that she really does love her new daycare?  It's only day 3, but these 3 days have been the post peaceful daycare drop offs in the history of Anna Claire's daycare drop offs!!  Up until July 15th (her first day out of the old daycare) I was leaving Anna Claire 3 days a week at a very well known daycare here in town.  I was told how wonderful the daycare was and that it was the best daycare in town.  I wanted her to go to the best, so we put her on the waiting list when she was born.  She started in June of 2009.  Long story short, it has been one of the worst daycare experiences of my life!!  I left Anna Claire there 3 days a week screaming her head off for me.  I would get to the car and would still be able to hear her screaming.  She refused to potty train and got to where she wouldn't even sit on the potty at home.  She would ask me every morning on the way to school if she had to go there.  I had convinced myself, that I was her problem.  She was too attached to me bc we are always together.  I guess she really is a "titty baby" as some in the family call her.  She wasn't potty training bc I didn't have the patience to deal with it.  I left daycare in tears one day bc they said she had cried all day.  The only thing I didn't blame on myself, was her sassy little mouth and the fits she would throw. I blamed that on daycare and I was right on with it!!

Was she really so attached to me that she was making herself miserable at daycare? 

Since being taken out of the first daycare, her mouth is now only as sassy as you would expect a 3yr old's mouth to be, her fits have gotten MUCH better, and she even picks up her toys up without a fight!!  {Remember about a month ago when I had to pretend to throw the toys in the trash?}

Last week I went and checked out her new daycare and then the next day I took Anna Claire to check it out.  She was very excited and didn't want to leave.  {What a relief!!}  I could only hope that this feeling did not change on her first day and it DIDN'T!!!!  She was very excited to go to her new school.  We held hands as we walked up the sidewalk {HUGE change bc normally I would have had to carry her}.  We walked in and it was like she was at home.  I got a quick kiss and half a hug, then off she went.  I picked her up early for her Eye Dr appointment and she was MAD at me.  She informed me that I was not suppose to come get her yet.  Tuesday morning we held hands walking in and she was a little shy for about 10 seconds when we walked in the door, and then she was gone.  I had to make her come home with me that afternoon.  This morning she hopped out of the car and RAN to the door!!  She was truly happy to be there!!

On top of her being happy to be there, she is potty training again as well!!  They don't allow diapers or pull-ups, so she doesn't really have a choice, but they don't force it on her.  Monday, well I'm sure most of you have heard about Monday.  She had 1 accident in 5 hours at daycare.  She was with me less than 2 hours and she peed in the floor at the Eye Dr.  I knew I should not have laid on my horn at that old lady!!  Tuesday she had 2 accidents at school and that was it all day!!  She used the potty at home, so she got to take a bath with ALL of her Mermaids, Dolphins, and Seahorses.  She is usually only allowed 3 in the bath tub, but last night she had 14.

As you can tell, I am not her problem.  The first daycare was her problem.  She has a fabulous group of women taking care of her each day and I am so thankful for them and that Anna Claire is happy again!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

VBS and 3 Yr Dr's Appt

We had VBS at church a few weeks ago and it was a blast!!  Anna Claire LOVES VBS!!
VBS wouldn't be complete without Anna Claire rolling around on the floor!!

Remember this from last year?

On the 16th we went for Anna Claire's 3yr check up and then did a little shopping.  She is in the 75th percentile in height and the 90th percentile in weight.  She weighs 36 pounds and is 38 1/2 inches tall.  We are moving in to 4T clothing because she is apparently going to be a giant.  LOL!!  I had to retire some of her shorts because they are so short now {they weren't when I bought them in April} and a dress she wore last month is now too short as well.  She has gone from "Mommy, let me walk" to "Mommy, carry me".  I was carrying her the other day, as her feet almost touched my knees, and her Daddy said, "whew Anna Claire, pretty soon you are going to have to start carrying Mommy."  Who's he telling?

  Anyway, she got 2 shots at the Dr's office and I'm sorry, but it was the funniest thing ever!!  The look on her face was priceless.  I would have taken a picture, if Kerry would have sucked it up and held her arms down, instead of hiding his face in the chair.  You've seen the look on a kids face on TV, I'm sure of it!!  Her eyes got HUGE, her face froze in that "what just happened" look, and then all of a sudden it was screaming.  Chuck E Cheese and new Barbie Mermaid made it all better.  Cricket got an extra bed for the living room, a new toy {a squeaky carrot like Bolt has}, and a new collar on our trip out.

Anna Claire started her new daycare/preschool today and the first drop off went well, thank goodness!!  This is the first time I have taken her to daycare in probably the past 4 months that I have not left her screaming for me.  She starts dance class next month!!  Her goal in life right now is to be a ballerina.  This afternoon I have to take her to the eye Dr because her vision screening at her 3yr appt came back abnormal.  This visit should be a blast considering she HATES anyone messing with her eyes. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We Dominate Again

It has been 2 weeks since I posted last.  Where does the time go?  Harley has still not come home.  I had a few calls from the ad that ran for 6 days, but none of them were him.  I did appreciate the people that called trying to help.  There were 2 calls, that I didn't really appreciate.  One lady was asking if we were giving Harley away.  Ummmm yeah, that's why we placed an ad is the LOST section of the paper.  Hello?!?!  Another call was to let us know that the person calling had some mixed breed puppies that she was giving away if we wanted one.  She must have been desperate to get rid of these puppies.  We declined her offer because I had already seen and accepted an offer that I thought was to good to be true, but it wasn't!

Harley has been missing about a week when our Preacher's wife posted on FB that they were looking for a home for their 5 yr old Yorkie.  I saw her post and immediately asked Kerry if we could get her.  I wasn't trying to replace Harley by any means, but I thought maybe it would help Anna Claire, well actually all 3 of us.  Kerry had mentioned getting her a puppy and I told him that I couldn't potty train my 3 year old, much less a puppy!!  Cricket is already house trained perfectly!!  I showed Anna Claire a picture of Cricket and asked her is she wanted Cricket to come live with us.  Anna Claire responded, "YES MOMMY!!!  Cricket can be Harley Bear's friend when he comes home."  {I still struggle to say or type that without getting tears in my eyes}  Kerry agreed to let us have her and agreed that if Harley came back home, then we would just have two house dogs.  I fixed Cricket her own eating area with a rug away from Harley's area, but still in the Kitchen and I put Harley's bowls and rug up, so that if he were to come home, he would know that Cricket did not replace him and take his bowls.

Cricket has been with us a little over a week now and she has never missed a beat, that I have noticed.  She has gotten used to Kerry's schedule and she decided last week that she needed to sniff me out to see where I had been.  Cricket was none to pleased last Wednesday night when Anna Claire did not come home.  She paced from the bathroom to the living room looking for her until we went to bed.  Anna Claire, I'm sure, would tote Cricket around in a purse everywhere she went, if I would let her, but I wouldn't dare do that to Cricket.

When we first got Cricket, Kerry was not to sure about her, but oh how that has changed.  He tells me all the time, "I just love Cricket."  He even gave her a bath the other night and trust me, that is huge because Cricket is very high maintenance.  LOL!!  She is very bossy for a little dog and it cracks me up because Kerry says that now he has 3 females bossing him around.  : )  When she wants a snack, she wants it right then!!

So now I guess you want to see a picture of Cricket, don't you?
Is she not the cutest little thing?!?!

Thank you so much Reed Family for allowing us to have Cricket.  We are truly blessed to know and be friends with such wonderful people!!
I had to finally tell her that I was done taking pictures of her and Cricket for the day.  : )

Cricket got in trouble yesterday for the first time.  She walked to the neighbors yard {which is not hard to do since we pretty much share a driveway} and found her something to snack on.  I fussed at her, made her spit it out, and go in the house.  She snubbed me for about an hour before she got over it.  Apparently Cricket has the same attitude that the rest of the females in the house have. :o

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh Harley Bear, Where are you?

Harley Bear hasn't been seen now for about 22 hours.  It is wearing on me and breaking my heart because this is not like Harley at all.  Harley is Anna Claire's dog, but before he was Anna Claire's, he was mine.  I've had Harley longer than I have had Kerry and Kerry and I will be married 6 years in September.  I'm thinking that I have had Harley for about 9 years.  Momma and Cliff are just as attached to him as Anna Claire and I are.  Before I bought a house, I would take Harley to Momma's every morning bc I wasn't allowed to have pets where I lived, but I I had him anyway.  Then I bought the house next door and now we live behind them, so Harley has always gone to Momma's during the day and still does. 

Harley has the same routine 7 days a week.  I let him outside to go to the bathroom every morning when I get up, he walks the neighborhood, and then he pounces on Momma's back door and she lets him in.  In the afternoons, he meets me in the backyard and goes in with me.  He may go in and out a few times before bedtime, but he always comes home or goes to Momma's.  I saw him yesterday afternoon when we got home from the pool.  Momma said he was nasty bc she let him get wet and play in the dirt, so she was going to give him a bath. 

Anna Claire stayed with MeMe and Big Daddy last night, so when we walked over there I asked if they had seen Harley.  I figured he was probably in the back bedroom asleep because that is usually where he is at when I can't find him.  Momma went and looked and he wasn't there.  She said she figured he was with me and he wasn't.  It was 9:45pm and it is not like Harley to not be with one of us, especially when it's dark outside and with some of the neighbors shooting fireworks.  He is terrified of fireworks.  We looked around outside and then Kerry rode every street in the neighborhood when he got home.  We haven't found him.  It's kinda strange because when Kerry went looking for him I felt like a little girl again and hoped that if something had happened to him that Kerry wouldn't find him because I feel like Cliff should be the one to find him because he's the Big Daddy and I know that Cliff would get him and bury him before I knew that he had found him.  It wouldn't be the first time he had to do it.

I feel like I need to go look for him this afternoon, but I'm afraid to find him.  If I found him alive, that would be wonderful, but it's the other possibility that I'm afraid of.  If he's not alive, I would want him buried in the back yard with Maci and Buck.  {Yes, before to long we will have your everyday run of the mill pet cemetery in our backyard}  Anna Claire doesn't remember a lot about Maci because she was so young.  Maci loved Anna Claire too.  She remembers Buck and knows that Buck went to be with Jesus.  She swings Buck in her swing outside almost daily.

But, I'm just not sure how she will handle Harley being gone.  Harley is her dog.  If you see Anna Claire, you can bet that Harley is not far behind her.  He has loved her and been interested in her since she was a baby and vice verse.  He's bit her a few times, but only because she asked for it.  When weigh more than the dog and you pounce on him while he's asleep, more than likely the dog is going to bite you.  She prays for Harley Bear at gymnastics, she paints him pictures at school, she loves to give him begging snacks, she just loves him and I know he loves her.   
All I can do right now is just pray that he comes home safe.

I have seen this picture a lot since Anna Claire started walking.  He always lets her lead.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Love Her Little Heart

Yesterday afternoon I had to run in Kroger's to get Anna Claire's sprite to take to school today.  I decided while I was in there, that her and I would make 4th of July cupcakes.  She loves to make cupcakes!!  I think she actually just likes to eat the batter and the icing, but that's OK too.  She helped me mix everything together and then she handed me each cupcake cup, so I could fill it.  While the cupcakes were baking, I looked over and she was pretending to crack and break her plastic Easter eggs in to a bowl.  Once the cupcakes were baked and cooled, it was time to put icing on them.  I gave Anna Claire her own plate, icing, a plastic knife, and a cupcake to decorate.  She decided to make a cupcake for her Daddy.  {Bless him}
Here she is icing his cupcake.
  {you can see the icing mustache bc she ate way more than she put on his cupcake}
Here is her Daddy's cupcake.  She added some blue icing to it later on, but I thought she was finished when I took this picture.  She licked it more than once and that is a little nibble out of the top/side of it.
He ate it when he got home from work this morning.  : )

After the cupcake making, it was bath time.  Anna Claire got her bath, brushed her teeth, and I cut off her rat tail.  LOL!!  For some reason her hair grows quicker down the middle, so I have to cut it every so often to keep the back of her hair even.  When I finished brushing her hair, she told me she wanted a pony tail.  I was kinda worried because as most of you know, she doesn't have much hair.  I was able to make a small pony tail and she was so proud!!  We walked next door to show MeMe and Big Daddy and she was yelling it across the yard.  All of her friends at school wear pony tails and the 2 girls across the street had pony tails the other day when they came over to play with her, so I guess it's only natural that she wanted one too.

I put a ribbon in her pony tail and that made it even better!!
She wore a pony tail to school this morning, so those of you that will see us Sunday morning, don't be surprised to see a pony tail at Church as well.