Monday, April 7, 2008

So Many First's

It seems like everyday Anna Claire has her first time doing something or going somewhere. It is always very exciting, but sad at the same time. She's growing so fast and in just a few short weeks she will be celebrating her 1st Birthday. The past few weeks Anna Claire has taken her first steps alone, gotten her first tooth, rode a walking horse for the first time, rode the lawn mower with her Big Daddy for the first time, gone to the park for the first time, and rode a carousal for the first time. I don't have lawn mower pictures. The park pictures are at home, but here are her and her Daddy on the carousal.

Anna Claire took her first ride in the seed spreader Monday. (I know most babies don't ride in seed spreaders, but you all know who her Daddy is) She loved it!! Her and Daddy went all over the yard and over to the neighbors in it. After seeing how much fun she had I told her Granny that she HAS to have a wagon for her birthday. With no hesitation at all, her Granny ordered her a wagon Tuesday.

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