Friday, January 23, 2009

In Hiding............

Wednesday and Thursday I stayed home with AC bc Momma had somewhere she needed to be. AC and I had a good time together and Thursday afternoon we even got to play outside for a few minutes. I will say that come Spring and Summer I am in trouble bc my little darling DID NOT want to come back inside.
She has started trying to hide from us and loves to get things that she "thinks" she is not suppose to have and take off with them. Last night I chased her around the house trying to get the kitchen trash can away from her so that I could put a clean bag in it. Thursday afternoon she took the M&M container away from me and took off running. As she was running I was hoping that she didn't drop it bc M&M's would have went flying. She decided to "hide" in her tent.
Thursday night we were having our nightly ritual, watching Wubbzy , when she started popping me on my hand. She popped me about 4 times and I didn't think anything about it bc I figured she was just playing. After she popped me, she jumped up in my arms and wrapped her little arms around my neck and said "I sowwy Ma Ma." It was so sweet!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's COLD!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night since it was suppose to get sooooo cold, we let Peatie in the house for the night. This thrilled Anna Claire. She followed him everywhere he went, he did her the same way, when she fell down she hollered at Peatie {like he pushed her down or he sould have at least helped her get up}, she walked around the house singing "Happeee Day Happeee Day", and then she played dress up with him. Yes, she played dress up with our 85 pound dog and he let her!! He may never be the same again, bless his heart. I looked at them at one point and Peatie had a polka dotted blanket on him, some pink heart shaped sunglasses on, and she was holding the house phone to his hear saying, "Hello Pete Hello Pete." She LOVES that dog. She loves Harley too, but he's little and can get away from her quickly, so he does every chance he gets.

Here are a few pictures of Anna Claire in the pink sunglasses before she decided to put them on Peatie.
Here is what they look like when I put them on her.

Here is what they look like when she puts them on herself. {because she's a big girl like that}

I asked her to pose for me and this is what I got.

And this was her 2nd attempt to pose for me. Yes, she's a star!! ; )

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I thought I would share a conversation that I had with AC the other night. I was watching TV and she was picking up the coasters off the end table and throwing them in the floor. I was being very helpful at one point, but it got old quickly. I should also add that there are about 50 coasters.

~AC throws coasters in the floor: "OH NO"
~Me: "Here Mommy will help you."

This happens 4 times in a row.

~My last reponse: "Mommy will help you this time, but if you throw them in the floor again, you will have to pick them up yourself."
~AC: "mmm K" (as she throws them in the floor again.)
~AC hollers: "HELPER!! HELPER!! HELPER!!"

At this point I am laughing at her trying to figure out who and/or what she is talking about.

~AC comes over to me and grabs my hand: "O'er here Helper"
~Me: "Oh, so I'm your helper."
~AC: "Jes"
~Me: "There I helped you pick them up."
~AC: "Thanks Babeee"

My thoughts afterwards: "Thanks Baby? Did she seriously just say that to me? I am now her helper and she just said Thanks Baby. When did my 20 month old become such a little grown up? Did this seriously just happen?"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Playoffs...............

Kerry and I went to the Titans game Saturday afternoon. It was a disappointing loss, but we still love them!! They atmosphere was GREAT and we played well for the most part, notice I said most part. LOL!! After the game some people were angry, some sad, etc.... I, myself, was proud of the season that they had and am proud to call myself a Tennessee Titans fan!! I've been a fan for 10 years, so like some of you that follow them, I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, but never the less, I love those guys!! I was very lucky to find affordable seats in section 104. When I say affordable, I mean I only paid $45 over face value for playoff tickets, which was GREAT!!

Here is the view from our seats

This is why Kerry does not need a "rally" towel

He tried to put my eye out with it at one point. Those things are dangerous!! LOL!! How are the Steeler fans still able to see after all these years?

This is what you get when you get cold and drink too much hot chocolate!! LOL!!
I drank 2 of the $7.00 cups, which were souvenir cups, before I realized that I could just go pay $3.50 for a throw away cup and put it in my souvenir cup. The hot chocolate was messing with me. ; )

Christmas Slideshow...........

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm a little behind............

I'm still working on Christmas pictures. These pictures were taken before Christmas, so I will try to gradually catch up.