Wednesday, April 1, 2009

She May be a Diva........

I have to re-paint Anna Claire's finger nails and toe nails every weekend. This child will not sit still for anything, but when it's time to take the polish off and re-paint she will sit as still as can be. Once I get her finger nails painted, she will hold her hands up in the air while they dry.

She has decided she will pick her own shirt out every morning bc for some reason starting this week, I just can't seem to pick the right shirt out.

Yesterday afternoon as I was pulling in the driveway, Kerry was coming across the yard with Anna Claire. Noah (3 yrs) and Hunter (I'm guessing 5) came running when they saw Kerry. Kerry took Anna Claire on in to the house bc it was chilly outside, so she was standing at the screen door. I had to ask Noah and Hunter to move so I could get in the door bc they had their faces smashed up against the screen door talking to AC. I then turned to look and noticed Noah kept kissing my screen door, you know the cute little 3 year old kisses. AC had gone and got my brown heels and was wearing them at the screen door saying "hey boys". This lasted about 15 minutes. They went home right as Daddy picked up the phone to call Noah's Daddy to tell him to get the "bar rats", as he called them, away from his screen door. LOL!!

Daddy was none to pleased to have little boys at his screen door already.

1 comment:

Holli said...

I am cracking up! Too Funny! "bar rats!" hehehehehe