Friday, April 10, 2009

More on the Easter Egg Hunt.........

At the Easter egg hunt the little ones had their own area and the bigger kids had their area. Anna Claire was hunting with about 4 other children her age. There was this little boy, who I think is older than AC, but much smaller. I'm beginning to think my child is a giant. She is much taller than most children her age. Anyway, the little boy had been in the nursery with her and was in her group for the egg hunt. At one point I pointed to an egg and told Anna Claire to go get it. Well, this little boy came flying over to where I was and picked the egg up. The whole time in my mind I was thinking "you little monster" and then to my surprise he turned around and put it in Anna Claire's basket. It was SO SWEET and I felt terrible for my hateful thought. A few minutes later I pointed to another egg and he came running over their again. At this point I didn't care if he got it bc he had been so sweet to give Anna Claire the other egg. What did he do with the egg? He gave it to Anna Claire!! This has to be one of the sweetest little boys alive!! Anna Claire's Nana saw his parents at church again this week and the little boys Mom informed Nana that he said Anna Claire was his girlfriend. Awwww!!! Noah would be jealous!! LOL!! {The little boy that was kissing my screen door a few weeks ago}

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