Wednesday and Thursday I stayed home with AC bc Momma had somewhere she needed to be. AC and I had a good time together and Thursday afternoon we even got to play outside for a few minutes. I will say that come Spring and Summer I am in trouble bc my little darling DID NOT want to come back inside.
She has started trying to hide from us and loves to get things that she "thinks" she is not suppose to have and take off with them. Last night I chased her around the house trying to get the kitchen trash can away from her so that I could put a clean bag in it. Thursday afternoon she took the M&M container away from me and took off running. As she was running I was hoping that she didn't drop it bc M&M's would have went flying. She decided to "hide" in her tent.
Thursday night we were having our nightly ritual, watching Wubbzy , when she started popping me on my hand. She popped me about 4 times and I didn't think anything about it bc I figured she was just playing. After she popped me, she jumped up in my arms and wrapped her little arms around my neck and said "I sowwy Ma Ma." It was so sweet!!
She has started trying to hide from us and loves to get things that she "thinks" she is not suppose to have and take off with them. Last night I chased her around the house trying to get the kitchen trash can away from her so that I could put a clean bag in it. Thursday afternoon she took the M&M container away from me and took off running. As she was running I was hoping that she didn't drop it bc M&M's would have went flying. She decided to "hide" in her tent.