Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What a Journey.........................

I'm sure some of you are wondering why we took Anna Claire to the Vanderbilt ER yesterday, so here's the story.
As most of you know, AC was diagnosed with double pneumonia on August 7th by Dr. J. On August 14th she was not any better, so we saw our regular Dr, Dr B. The x-rays showed that the pneumonia was worse in both lungs. We got new med's and breathing treatments. Dr. B said she should be better within 48 hours. A little over 48 hours she was the same as she was on the 14th, so we saw Dr. J again on Monday (yesterday). Dr. J said the pneumonia was gone, so she didn't see the need for another x-ray. This concerned me bc I didn't understand how within 3 days it was just gone and why she didn't want to x-ray to make sure, since we were suppose to go back on the 28th to x-ray again anyway. She told us it was now bronchitis and without saying it, I was just suppose to take her word for it.

From my googling (LOL) I knew that bronchitis can turn to pneumonia, but pneumonia does not turn to bronchitis. She gave us a steroid, told us to continue the antibiotic, and breathing treatments 3x's a day for 6 days. Dr. B told us Friday to finish the breathing treatments on Monday, so I was concerned about continuing the breathing treatments. I felt like Dr. J was "put out" because she was having to take care of Dr. B's patient.
We left the Dr's office and made some phone calls. After the phone calls were made, we all agreed that a 2nd opinion was needed. Now considering all of our options for a regular Dr's visit all work in the same building, we headed to the ER at the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. I knew that if anyone could cure her they could. We went to triage where her blood pressure was taken (never had this done before) and AC did well with the cuff "hugging" her arm. Then she was given a mask to wear, since she is/was contagious. The mask did not go over well, but it got better when MeMe offered to wear one too. (The things you do for your grandchildren)
I think 5 different people listened to AC's chest more than once and I answered the same questions, at least 5 times as well. (for those that go to the ER for everything - they must be nuts!! LOL)

They did x-rays and told me that there was no way she has had pneumonia bc her lungs are perfect. The Dr in charge of all the other Dr's said if she would have had pneumonia in the past 2 weeks there would still be traces of it that he would be able to see. He said she has bronchitis and that is why she is not getting well. All of these antibiotics that have been pushed in to her, will not treat bronchitis. That high powered antibiotic shot just hid everything for a few days. AC is now taking a steroid and has an inhaler, that she hates, to help open up her airway. Hopefully this will cure her.
I find it hard to believe that a radiologist and the Dr's read AC's x-rays wrong, more than once. I find it hard to believe that AC had pneumonia on Friday, worse than it was a week ago, and then Monday it was gone and her lungs are now perfect. I also know that God works in mysterious ways. Josh, my brother is proof of that as some of you I'm sure remember. So maybe God took it away. I really don't know. I'm thinking that maybe I will ask to see the x-rays the next time I am over there and ask them to point it out to me. If they can point the pneumonia out, then I guess I will have my answer. If they can't then I will still have my answer.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Difference...............

Anna Claire on Thursday at 10:21am waiting at the Dr's office

Anna Claire on Thursday at 6:37pm at home sitting on her chair upside down.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dear God,

I want to thank you for watching over my precious Anna Claire. I want to thank you for having her to wake me up this morning at 1:00am asking for juice. I know that had she not asked for juice I would have never known she already had a fever of 103.0. It is because of you that I was able to make sure she was ok. You are a wonderful God and I am grateful that I have you in my life. Thank you God!! Amen

Most of you already know that Anna Claire has been sick since last Thursday. MeMe took her to the Dr on Friday, July 31st bc I wanted to nip this cough she had quickly. We didn't get to see Dr. B bc she was booked up, so we saw another Dr in her office. Dr C told MeMe that I needed to give her Benadryl, keep her elevated, and cool. I was already giving her OTC medicine, which was not working, and keeping her elevated and cool. Tuesday morning I threw in the towel and gave up on the OTC medicine. Tuesday night I thought we were having a break through. She only woke up one time, coughed one time, and that was it all night. I was so happy! When she woke up Wednesday morning she started the coughing again, but it wasn't that bad. She made it through the day at Barnyard and when I walked in to get her, she was her normal self. She was sitting in a basket trying to get it stuck on her rear end. {You know, just being AC}

As you read above Anna Claire woke me up this morning at 1:00am wanting some juice. She has been coughing a lot for the past 8 days, so I have been keeping a sippy cup of Gatorade on the night stand for her. I handed her the juice and I rubbed her forehead and noticed she was hot. I then felt her back and it was hotter. I got her up, which did not please her, and checked her temp. It was 103.0, so I gave her some Motrin and we laid back down. After about 45 minutes I felt of her and she still felt very hot, so I decided to put her in her bedroom bc her room is cooler than ours is. I also decided to check her temp again, just because. It was 103.7 and I began to panic a little. I ran her a luke warm bath, which she HATED, with the hopes that it would help. I got her out, got her dressed, and checked her temp again, 103.9. At this point 103.9 was way to close to 104, so I called the Dr's office. The on-call Nurse called me back {which felt like an eternity} and told me to go ahead and give her a 1/2 tsp of Tylenol, since I had already given her Motrin, no clothes other than a diaper {check}, light blanket {check}, and go back to the Dr tomorrow {today}. This morning I was going to go on in to work bc I knew I couldn't make the appt until 8:00am. MeMe was coming across the yard to get AC as we were coming outside. MeMe took AC from me and I carried her bag. We made it half way across the yard and AC started to gag and started throwing up mucus. {Gross I know} She did this 3 times before we made it to MeMe's house. I came to work and made the appt for 9:10am. Kerry {Daddy} rode with AC and I to the Dr. He rode in the back seat with AC and thank goodness he did bc she threw up mucus 3 times on the way to Murfreesboro.

So here we are. Dr. B was off today, so we saw Dr J. After a flu test and some chest x-rays we are now diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs. It was time for the very painful antibiotic shot. Daddy decided he couldn't handle it, after the Nurse was explaining how she needed to be held down in my lap. I should mention that when my child is in pain she is strong as a freakin Ox!! Needle in leg, AC goes crazy, one hand gets away from me, and she grabs the needle. It equalled one unhappy Nurse. She had to go get a new needle and I told Daddy to suck it up and come help me. Shot done and then we waited for 15 minutes to make sure there was no reaction. AC is resting now and it taking Motrin and Tylenol for her fever. She will continue Tylenol until tomorrow even if the fever goes away tonight due to the pain that the shot is/will causing. Tomorrow she will start her oral antibiotic and hopefully she will be closer to normal by Saturday morning, otherwise we will visit the Dr's office again.