Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's Crazy Around Here!!

Life at our house is crazy!! Kerry has been on 2nd shift, so when I get off of work, I've been going at it alone. He went back the 3rd shift this week, so it's calmed down a little bit. Anna Claire is wild as a buck!! She's running now and running from us. She has picked up this high pitched squeal that will pierce you ear drums in the past 2 weeks. On Memorial Day we went with Miss Brylee Taite to her Great Grandma's pool and then last Saturday we went to Miss Brylee Taite's house to try out her pool. While we were gone Anna Claire's Big Daddy went and bought her a pool, not that she will stay in it. She loves to climb in and out of it, usually goes back in to the pool head first. On another note, I think she may grown up to be a professional dog food tester bc she loves to eat dog food. She tested out the dog food at Brylee's house too. Kerry was embarrassed when I told him, but I told him it was a new flavor that she hasn't tried yet. LOL He didn't see the humor in it.

Anna Claire is so smart and seems to learn something new everyday. I went to pick her up at Momma's the other day and she walked over to the dog food, looked at it, looked at me, and then shook her finger no at me. I cracked up!!

I've grown a liking to photography, so I am constantly trying to learn new things on my camera. My next purchase, I hope, will be another lens for my camera. Until then I will continue chasing Anna Claire around the yard with the current lens on my camera. Here are a few pictures.
Hopefully, Saturday we're off to the Nashville Zoo!!

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