Sunday, June 29, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame.......

In the 7th inning stretch we even got to sing it!! Saturday night Kerry, Anna Claire, and I attended the Jeff Fisher and Friends Charity softball game. We all had a great time!! Anna Claire did terrific at her first sporting event. The atmosphere was perfect for her. It was outside, people were everywhere, it was loud, and there were balls!! We came home with 3 soft baseballs, one she got from the couple beside us. LOL!! Kerry got to see a lot of the Titans and got Cortland Finnegan's autograph, which he was super excited about. He also happens to be my favorite Titan!! After the ballgame there was a fireworks show and Anna Claire loved it.
Here are some pics of our fun night!!

Yes, that is Mr. Finntastic waving at ME, with Kerry & Anna Claire!!!

Brad Hopkins (former Titan)

Ahmard Hall

Jevon Kearse

Vince Young

Rob Bironas

I couldn't leave out T-Rac!!

Anna Claire loved stadium food!! She ate the whole time we were there.

Making sure No One takes her baseball away from her.

Watching the fireworks in Daddy's lap.

These are just a few. I ended up taking 150 picture while we were there!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Yeah I know it's early, but if you had a picture like this you would want to go ahead and share it too. So, we hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July!!!! :)

Random Pictures............

Anna Claire is a busy little bee. She loves to be outside and will stand at the door and scream "side side," if we won't let her out. Of course, she plays outside with her Granny every day and then when Kerry and I get home, I usually try to let her play outside before and after dinner. Monday night we played outside until 8:00pm!! She is getting quiet the vocabulary these days. Some of her words are Ma Ma, Dada, Big Daddy, Dog, Duck, Juice, No, she calls her gold fish Go Go's, Fish, Frog, she calls Red (Cliff's Dog) Re Re, Peatie, Shoes, Side (for outside), and the list goes on...... She is so smart it's hard to believe she's only 14 months old. If you ask if she is hungry she will go to the kitchen. If you ask if her diaper needs to be changed she will go to her bedroom and last night we asked if she was ready to go to sleep and she grabbed her blanket and went to her room. She knows that if we put her shoes on that she's going outside. When we're outside she knows how to get to her Granny's. When I say let's go home, she will walk through the yard home.

She LOVES her sandbox!!

(of course she had to taste test the sand)

You can see she did not enjoy the tast of sand.

Washing down the sand with a little water.

Taste testing the boats

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daddy and Anna Claire

Kerry is terrible at using my camera, so you may never see pics of Anna Claire and myself, unless I take them. LOL

Here they are on Father's Day, getting ready to leave for church.

Like Daddy, like Daughter. How scary is this? They look identical!!!!!
Here is just a picture of Anna Claire and her toofies!! Funny story..... Kerry was talking on the phone the other day and Anna Claire climbed up on her couch and bit his big toe. I enjoyed the laugh, but Daddy didn't.

Toilet Paper Adventure

It drives Kerry crazy that I let her do whatever she wants, but the way I see it is she's not hurting herself or anyone else, so go for it!!

Our Trip to the Zoo!!

Holy crap it was HOT!!!!! I took some pictures while we were there, but you have to really look for some of the animals (like the Tigers) bc it was so hot they were laying in the shade. Here are a few from our Zoo visit. Anna Claire's favorite was the Meerkats. The Meerkats were also her Daddy's favorites. (go figure)


I SEE DUCKS!!!!!!!! She loves Ducks.

Yes, we paid $4 for Anna Claire to have her own cup!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Girly Girl Putting on Her Make-up!!

It's Crazy Around Here!!

Life at our house is crazy!! Kerry has been on 2nd shift, so when I get off of work, I've been going at it alone. He went back the 3rd shift this week, so it's calmed down a little bit. Anna Claire is wild as a buck!! She's running now and running from us. She has picked up this high pitched squeal that will pierce you ear drums in the past 2 weeks. On Memorial Day we went with Miss Brylee Taite to her Great Grandma's pool and then last Saturday we went to Miss Brylee Taite's house to try out her pool. While we were gone Anna Claire's Big Daddy went and bought her a pool, not that she will stay in it. She loves to climb in and out of it, usually goes back in to the pool head first. On another note, I think she may grown up to be a professional dog food tester bc she loves to eat dog food. She tested out the dog food at Brylee's house too. Kerry was embarrassed when I told him, but I told him it was a new flavor that she hasn't tried yet. LOL He didn't see the humor in it.

Anna Claire is so smart and seems to learn something new everyday. I went to pick her up at Momma's the other day and she walked over to the dog food, looked at it, looked at me, and then shook her finger no at me. I cracked up!!

I've grown a liking to photography, so I am constantly trying to learn new things on my camera. My next purchase, I hope, will be another lens for my camera. Until then I will continue chasing Anna Claire around the yard with the current lens on my camera. Here are a few pictures.
Hopefully, Saturday we're off to the Nashville Zoo!!