Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anna Claire

Anna Claire is so silly these days!!! She has learned to suck in her bottom lip in the past 2 days and now does it all the time!!
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She is sitting up VERY well. She loves that she can sit up and play with her toys. Anna Claire has also learned to raise her arms if she wants you to hold her. If she is sitting somewhere and you walk by, DON'T EVEN THINK about walking by her and not speaking to her!!!!!!!!!! No matter where she is sitting, be it in the floor or in someone's lap, she will scream bloody murder if you do not speak to her. She loves to eat and if you're eating she thinks she needs to be eating as well. The only problem is that she thinks she should be eating and drinking what you have, not her food and baby milk. We had chilli at Momma's last night and I had to share my chilli and Sprite with her. She only got very very small tastes of the chilli juice and loved it. She is her Daddy's child!!!! She really likes Sprite, but if you say, "Anna Claire it's water," she'll leave you alone. I gave her some Apple Banana juice the other night and I didn't want her to have to much since it was 7:00pm and the Baby juice has a lot of sugar in it, so I gave her an ounce of juice mixed with 3 ounces of water. Yeah, she wouldn't drink it!!

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1 comment:

Misty said...

Precious, and I love how Harley is just sitting back watching. I came home tonight and the girls (Lilley) had unwrapped my presents under the tree and chewed them up. I was not a happy camper.