Thursday, November 29, 2007

She's a Cutie!!!!

She's wild and nosey as well!! She found the Christmas tree tonight. She was after the Gingerbread Man and once she crawled/scooted to the tree she decided to get under it. She got a present out from under the tree, which just so happened to be hers. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Then she fell asleep under it.

We did a little photo shoot tonight in some of her Christmas outfits.
She wanted to tell everyone "Hello."

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy 7 Month Birthday!!

Today Anna Claire is 7 months old!! Time goes by so fast. She's grown so much and is so smart!! I love her more everyday!!

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Here is a sneek peek of her 6 month pictures!! I'll let everyone know when they are all up!!
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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Baby's First Thanksgiving

Today is Anna Claire's First Thanksgiving!!
She'll be 7 months old on Monday. My how time flies.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oh Santa!!

Today Anna Claire, Daddy, and I took a trip to Franklin to see Santa Claus. Anna Claire was very interested in him. Once I started quacking at her, she was able to focus on having her picture made. Enjoy!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWaiting in line to see Santa!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketApparently this is how all the "COOL" kids ride in their strollers. Notice the left arm hanging off and the right foot propped up!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anna Claire

Anna Claire is so silly these days!!! She has learned to suck in her bottom lip in the past 2 days and now does it all the time!!
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She is sitting up VERY well. She loves that she can sit up and play with her toys. Anna Claire has also learned to raise her arms if she wants you to hold her. If she is sitting somewhere and you walk by, DON'T EVEN THINK about walking by her and not speaking to her!!!!!!!!!! No matter where she is sitting, be it in the floor or in someone's lap, she will scream bloody murder if you do not speak to her. She loves to eat and if you're eating she thinks she needs to be eating as well. The only problem is that she thinks she should be eating and drinking what you have, not her food and baby milk. We had chilli at Momma's last night and I had to share my chilli and Sprite with her. She only got very very small tastes of the chilli juice and loved it. She is her Daddy's child!!!! She really likes Sprite, but if you say, "Anna Claire it's water," she'll leave you alone. I gave her some Apple Banana juice the other night and I didn't want her to have to much since it was 7:00pm and the Baby juice has a lot of sugar in it, so I gave her an ounce of juice mixed with 3 ounces of water. Yeah, she wouldn't drink it!!

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Baby's First Halloween and Dr. Visit

We went for a re-check with Dr. Bradley on Halloween. I am so glad we did bc Anna Claire left her office already sounding better, so by the time it was dusk outside Anna Claire was ready for the Trick or Treaters. At the Dr's appt we found out that the ER Dr did not know what he was talking about. He told us her Bronchitis was more infectious and not viral by looking at her WBC. He gave us an antibiotic to help. I told Dr. Bradley yesterday that she was not any better than she was on Sunday at the ER, other than the fever was gone. Dr. Bradley checked her out and while she was waiting for the x-rays and blood work from the ER, she gave Anna Claire a breathing treatment. It helped SO much!!! Once the information was given to Dr. Bradley, she came in and told me (and Anna Claire's Granny) that Anna Claire's Bronchitis was infact viral and that an antibiotic would not help or cure her. That explained why she was not any better. She said her x-rays should the blockage in hr broncular tubes, but there were no signs of pnemonia. What a relief, so we were sent home with a breathing treatment machine to help open up her broncular tubes and then with a medicine to help heal them. She takes the treatments every 4-6 hours for 4 days and the other medicine she takes once a day for 4 days. She's already much better!!!
Here is some pictures of her in her Halloween costume taking her breathing treatments. It's rather sad!! Be sure to check out the Rhino mask!!

Now on to Halloween!! She LOVED the Trick or Treaters!!! We didn't go anywhere bc she was still sick, so we stayed with her Granny so that she could see everyone. We took her to the door every time a Trick or Treater came up. She would kick and squeal every time. She stayed so excited that by 7:30pm she had crashed in my lap. She had so much fun that she just couldn't handle anymore!! Her first Halloween was wonderful!!! Here's some pictures!!