Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We Dominate Again

It has been 2 weeks since I posted last.  Where does the time go?  Harley has still not come home.  I had a few calls from the ad that ran for 6 days, but none of them were him.  I did appreciate the people that called trying to help.  There were 2 calls, that I didn't really appreciate.  One lady was asking if we were giving Harley away.  Ummmm yeah, that's why we placed an ad is the LOST section of the paper.  Hello?!?!  Another call was to let us know that the person calling had some mixed breed puppies that she was giving away if we wanted one.  She must have been desperate to get rid of these puppies.  We declined her offer because I had already seen and accepted an offer that I thought was to good to be true, but it wasn't!

Harley has been missing about a week when our Preacher's wife posted on FB that they were looking for a home for their 5 yr old Yorkie.  I saw her post and immediately asked Kerry if we could get her.  I wasn't trying to replace Harley by any means, but I thought maybe it would help Anna Claire, well actually all 3 of us.  Kerry had mentioned getting her a puppy and I told him that I couldn't potty train my 3 year old, much less a puppy!!  Cricket is already house trained perfectly!!  I showed Anna Claire a picture of Cricket and asked her is she wanted Cricket to come live with us.  Anna Claire responded, "YES MOMMY!!!  Cricket can be Harley Bear's friend when he comes home."  {I still struggle to say or type that without getting tears in my eyes}  Kerry agreed to let us have her and agreed that if Harley came back home, then we would just have two house dogs.  I fixed Cricket her own eating area with a rug away from Harley's area, but still in the Kitchen and I put Harley's bowls and rug up, so that if he were to come home, he would know that Cricket did not replace him and take his bowls.

Cricket has been with us a little over a week now and she has never missed a beat, that I have noticed.  She has gotten used to Kerry's schedule and she decided last week that she needed to sniff me out to see where I had been.  Cricket was none to pleased last Wednesday night when Anna Claire did not come home.  She paced from the bathroom to the living room looking for her until we went to bed.  Anna Claire, I'm sure, would tote Cricket around in a purse everywhere she went, if I would let her, but I wouldn't dare do that to Cricket.

When we first got Cricket, Kerry was not to sure about her, but oh how that has changed.  He tells me all the time, "I just love Cricket."  He even gave her a bath the other night and trust me, that is huge because Cricket is very high maintenance.  LOL!!  She is very bossy for a little dog and it cracks me up because Kerry says that now he has 3 females bossing him around.  : )  When she wants a snack, she wants it right then!!

So now I guess you want to see a picture of Cricket, don't you?
Is she not the cutest little thing?!?!

Thank you so much Reed Family for allowing us to have Cricket.  We are truly blessed to know and be friends with such wonderful people!!
I had to finally tell her that I was done taking pictures of her and Cricket for the day.  : )

Cricket got in trouble yesterday for the first time.  She walked to the neighbors yard {which is not hard to do since we pretty much share a driveway} and found her something to snack on.  I fussed at her, made her spit it out, and go in the house.  She snubbed me for about an hour before she got over it.  Apparently Cricket has the same attitude that the rest of the females in the house have. :o

1 comment:

Scott Reed said...

Cricket is a great dog. I hated to see her go, but I knew you guys would take care of her.