Friday, July 2, 2010

Love Her Little Heart

Yesterday afternoon I had to run in Kroger's to get Anna Claire's sprite to take to school today.  I decided while I was in there, that her and I would make 4th of July cupcakes.  She loves to make cupcakes!!  I think she actually just likes to eat the batter and the icing, but that's OK too.  She helped me mix everything together and then she handed me each cupcake cup, so I could fill it.  While the cupcakes were baking, I looked over and she was pretending to crack and break her plastic Easter eggs in to a bowl.  Once the cupcakes were baked and cooled, it was time to put icing on them.  I gave Anna Claire her own plate, icing, a plastic knife, and a cupcake to decorate.  She decided to make a cupcake for her Daddy.  {Bless him}
Here she is icing his cupcake.
  {you can see the icing mustache bc she ate way more than she put on his cupcake}
Here is her Daddy's cupcake.  She added some blue icing to it later on, but I thought she was finished when I took this picture.  She licked it more than once and that is a little nibble out of the top/side of it.
He ate it when he got home from work this morning.  : )

After the cupcake making, it was bath time.  Anna Claire got her bath, brushed her teeth, and I cut off her rat tail.  LOL!!  For some reason her hair grows quicker down the middle, so I have to cut it every so often to keep the back of her hair even.  When I finished brushing her hair, she told me she wanted a pony tail.  I was kinda worried because as most of you know, she doesn't have much hair.  I was able to make a small pony tail and she was so proud!!  We walked next door to show MeMe and Big Daddy and she was yelling it across the yard.  All of her friends at school wear pony tails and the 2 girls across the street had pony tails the other day when they came over to play with her, so I guess it's only natural that she wanted one too.

I put a ribbon in her pony tail and that made it even better!!
She wore a pony tail to school this morning, so those of you that will see us Sunday morning, don't be surprised to see a pony tail at Church as well.

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