We put Anna Claire's Christmas tree up in her room.

We put the living room one up as well, but I don't have a picture of it yet.
We had Thanksgiving dinner at Nana's this year, which was wonderful!! Boo Boo (Cliff's Grandmother and Anna Claire's Great Great Grandmother) brought a picture from a catalog of a coat that she had ordered for Anna Claire. I must say I was a little disturbed bc I was told it was beaver fur. I immediately thought of PETA and could see Anna Claire freaking out on me in 20 years bc I allowed her to wear fur. The coat arrived Saturday and thank goodness I looked and it is faux fur!! Here she is trying it on and telling me no more pictures.
Her hopscotch rug arrived Saturday as well. Anna Claire loves hopscotch and has been trying to play on the rug in the hallway. I found a hopscotch rug on sale for $17, so I had to order it. Here is Anna Claire mid-jump, pink tutu and all.
Anna Claire has made her first drawing where I actually agreed that it looked like what she said it was. Do you know what it is?
An acorn, of course!! Give her a break, she's two. LOL!!

Sunday I started putting Anna Claire in her holiday attire for church. We've only got 4 Sunday's {counting yesterday} before Christmas, so we have to start on the holiday outfits early. This is her gingerbread dress.