About 3:00am Saturday morning Anna Claire woke up coughing and choking. Kerry grabbed her and stood her up, as I push on her back. She was trying to get some of the flem up. After about 45 minutes she coughed up A LOT!!! She was so pitiful. She continued to cough and have a runny nose until Sunday. She refused to sleep!! I called the Dr's office about 12:00am Sunday morning bc she had been screaming for 45 minutes and I just could not take it anymore. Mind you, Kerry was laying in bed not helping at all!! I finally made him get up to help. The Nurse called me back within 10 minutes and told me to give her a warm bath and some Tylenol. So, we did. Yeah, that helped for about 2 hours and she was screaming again. I talked to the Nurse twice Sunday morning bc her temp got up to 101.4. They kept telling me the same thing over and over!! Give her a warm bath, suction her nose, run the humidifier, give her Tylenol, and let her sleep elevated. I HAD BEEN DOING ALL OF THAT FOR ALMOST 48 HOURS AND IT WAS NOT HELPING. Finally I called my co-worker, his sister is Dr Bradley, our pediatrician. Dr. Bradley said that if I had any doubt that I needed to take to the ER. Momma, Lindsey, and I then took Anna Claire to the ER in Murfreesboro. We got there about 1:50pm Sunday afternoon. We waited maybe 3 minutes and they called us back. Her temp was then 102. The Dr came to the room to see us and ordered chest x-ray and blood work. The ER Nurse had a VERY hard time getting blood. It took me and another Nurse to hold Anna Claire still. The Nurse dug and dug in her little hand trying to get a vein. She got a little blood and then gave up. Her exact words were, "I'm not sticking that Baby gain. I'm hurting her and refuse to try again." They then called the lab to get them to come stick her heel. Next we went for X-rays. I took a picture of the baby x-ray machine, that Anna Claire HATED!!!

I had to hold her little arms up while the X-ray tech put the plastic pieces around her little body to hold her in place. After the X-rays and the needle stick in her hand, her and I were both exhausted. She took a 30 minute nap while her Granny held her and I went outside for a break. That was a lot to take in. 3 hours later the Nurse come in the see if the Lab had been to stick her heel and they had not. About 45 minutes later the Nurse came back with another Nurse to try to stick her heel on their own bc our main Nurse was very upset that we were still there. It took them about 30 minutes to get enough blood from her heel. As soon as they finished, low and behold, her comes the lab tech and all her attitude!!! The Nurse was not very nice to her for taking so long and told her that she had already done it herself. Finally about 7:30pm the Dr came back and said Anna Claire has Bronchitis. He said that he could see some infection in her lungs and that her White Blood cell count was borderline high. He said he felt like it was more infection than viral, so he let us go home. He gave Anna Claire some antibiotics and we go see Dr. Bradley on Wednesday. Anna Claire was so Happy to be home. Thank goodness Momma was with me bc it took us both to take care of her. Pray that she gets well very soon and that we can go sick free through Winter!!!